Saturday, August 22, 2009

The sunflower house! It bloomed!

We came back from vacation to find that our sunflower house, though on the puny side, had bloomed! So excited, I made the kids run out for a photo without changing from their travel clothes (stained, dirty, smelly, etc.)
It is marvelous. Small, but marvelous.

I have learned a few things from this year's sunflower house, my first successful one. I have learned:
- Plant seeds in dixie cups. Plant a lot more than you think you'll need. You can always use them somewhere.
-Plant more than you need. Some might not make it.
-Protect the ones you plant. Sharon Lovejoy recommended talcum powder. I used baby powder...and a small fence. Keep those bunnies away!
-Plant in good soil, and in good sun. This one mostly is for personal reasons. Living on the edge of the woods, I planted the house too close to the woodline this year. Next year, it will be out in front, away from all of the trees. And I will haul in bags of soil, instead of just planting the seedlings in the lawn. Not a lot of nutrients left in the soil there.
-Tell your friends! Give them seeds! These are beautiful things, too nice not to share with the world. I may be out of my league here, but I reckon the more sunflowers this world had, a better place it would be.

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